sussa mas nao preguiçoso
apenas um produto do mundo moderno
radicalmente realista
excessivamente sonhador
ingênuo e inocente
positivamente sombrio
existencialista prático
cool but not lazy
just a product of the modern world
radically realistic
exceedingly dreamer
ingenuous and naive
positivelly gloomy
practical existentialist
Friday, 21 March 2008
Saturday, 15 March 2008
Nosso herói acorda na praia, sem saber quem é ou de onde veio. Amnesiado, segue perambulando pela areia, sem encontrar nenhuma pista, nenhuma outra pessoa ou mesmo outro animal. Acaba entrando na mata, encontra algumas frutas, come e cai no sono. Desperta em um palácio árabe, bem no meio de um harém de mais de 200 mulheres, fica extasiado e se atira em direção à luxúria, porém, ao aproximar-se das mulheres, acorda do lado de fora do palácio. O guarda no portåo, musculoso e armado e bem vestido, nega-lhe a entrada. Sem opçåo, volta-se para o deserto e põe-se a andar. Depois de muito caminhar sob o sol implacável, perde os sentidos em uma tempestade de areia. E acorda novamente na praia, ainda sem saber quem é ou de onde veio.
Our hero wakes up on the beach, without knowing who he is or where did he come from. Amnesiac, he goes wandering by the sand, without finding any clue, nor any other person or even another animal. He ends up entering the wood, finds some fruits, eats and falls asleep. He awakes in an Arabian palace, right in the middle of a harem with more than 200 women, becomes ecstatic and throws himself to luxury, however, at approaching the women, he wakes up outside the palace. The guard at the gate, muscled and armed and well dressed, denies him entrance. Without an option, he turns to the desert and starts walking. After much walking below the unmerciful sun, he loses his senses in a sandstorm. And he wakes again on the beach, still not knowing who he is or where he came from.
Our hero wakes up on the beach, without knowing who he is or where did he come from. Amnesiac, he goes wandering by the sand, without finding any clue, nor any other person or even another animal. He ends up entering the wood, finds some fruits, eats and falls asleep. He awakes in an Arabian palace, right in the middle of a harem with more than 200 women, becomes ecstatic and throws himself to luxury, however, at approaching the women, he wakes up outside the palace. The guard at the gate, muscled and armed and well dressed, denies him entrance. Without an option, he turns to the desert and starts walking. After much walking below the unmerciful sun, he loses his senses in a sandstorm. And he wakes again on the beach, still not knowing who he is or where he came from.
Sunday, 9 March 2008
Epílogo da Tempestade de Shakespeare/Shakespeare's The Tempest Epilogue
Falado por PROSPERO
Agora meus encantamentos estão todos derrubado,
E qualquer força que tenha é minha própria,
O que é muito débil. Ora é verdade,
Devo ficar aqui confinado por vós,
Ou ser mandado para Nápoles. Não me deixai,
Dado que consegui meu ducado,
E perdoei meu enganador, por vosso feitiço
Nesta ilha vazia morar;
Mas liberai-me de meus laços
Com a ajuda de vossas boas mãos.
Vosso gentil sopro minhas velas
Deve inflar, senão meu projeto falha,
Que era agradar. Agora quero
Espíritos para impingir, arte para encantar;
E meu fim é o desespero
A menos que seja aliviado por oração,
Que perfura de modo a assaltar
A própria Misericórdia, e liberta todas as faltas.
Como vós de crimes perdoado seríeis,
Que vossa indulgência me ponha livre.
Spoken by PROSPERO
Now my charms are all o'erthrown,
And what strength I have's mine own,
Which is most faint. Now 'tis true,
I must be here confin'd by you,
Or sent to Naples. Let me not,
Since I have my dukedom got,
And pardon'd the deceiver, dwell
In this bare island by your spell;
But release me from my bands
With the help of your good hands.
Gentle breath of yours my sails
Must fill, or else my project fails,
Which was to please. Now I want
Spirits to enforce, art to enchant;
And my ending is despair
Unless I be reliev'd by prayer,
Which pierces so that it assaults
Mercy itself, and frees all faults.
As you from crimes would pardon'd be,
Let your indulgence set me free.
Falado por PROSPERO
Agora meus encantamentos estão todos derrubado,
E qualquer força que tenha é minha própria,
O que é muito débil. Ora é verdade,
Devo ficar aqui confinado por vós,
Ou ser mandado para Nápoles. Não me deixai,
Dado que consegui meu ducado,
E perdoei meu enganador, por vosso feitiço
Nesta ilha vazia morar;
Mas liberai-me de meus laços
Com a ajuda de vossas boas mãos.
Vosso gentil sopro minhas velas
Deve inflar, senão meu projeto falha,
Que era agradar. Agora quero
Espíritos para impingir, arte para encantar;
E meu fim é o desespero
A menos que seja aliviado por oração,
Que perfura de modo a assaltar
A própria Misericórdia, e liberta todas as faltas.
Como vós de crimes perdoado seríeis,
Que vossa indulgência me ponha livre.
Spoken by PROSPERO
Now my charms are all o'erthrown,
And what strength I have's mine own,
Which is most faint. Now 'tis true,
I must be here confin'd by you,
Or sent to Naples. Let me not,
Since I have my dukedom got,
And pardon'd the deceiver, dwell
In this bare island by your spell;
But release me from my bands
With the help of your good hands.
Gentle breath of yours my sails
Must fill, or else my project fails,
Which was to please. Now I want
Spirits to enforce, art to enchant;
And my ending is despair
Unless I be reliev'd by prayer,
Which pierces so that it assaults
Mercy itself, and frees all faults.
As you from crimes would pardon'd be,
Let your indulgence set me free.
Monday, 3 March 2008
Estrada de Santos/Road to Santos
Noite de sexta-feira, desço a serra pela estrada de Santos, escura e estreita, cercada por mata atlântica em ambos os lados, cheia de curvas e túneis. A certo ponto, já a meio do caminho, vejo pela janela abaixo a comunidade marginal instalada em meio ao mato, luzes alaranjadas e vapor ascendendo, do tamanho de alguns quarteirões; mais ao fundo e bem abaixo vê-se a cidade. A mata encobre a vista novamente, mas logo casas rústicas de estilo europeu adaptado aos materiais disponíveis despontam nas laterais. Outros conjuntos malformados de casas brotam pelas margens da estrada, chão de terra, eletricidade, uns poucos carros velhos, a miséria pulsa no ar quente da noite. Estruturas de ferro desgastadas e sujas passam por cima da pista, passarelas para pedestres, caminhões bastante rodados compartilham o pavimento com o ônibus, fábricas aparecem nas laterais, um oleoduto corre por uma alta colina, uma chaminé cospe fogo. Ao nível do mar, a estrada passa pelo mangue, casas pobres se intercalam a fábricas nas margens, chego a Santos: as grandes armações iluminadas do porto se mostram lá atrás dos outdoors do comércio local.
Friday night, I go down the ridge by the dark and narrow road to Santos, surrounded by tropical forest on both sides, through turns and tunnels. At a certain point mid-way, I look down the window and see a marginal community with the size of a few blocks installed in the middle of woods, copper lights and ascending steam; in the background and much lower the city is seen. The forest covers the view again, but soon rustic houses in the European-style adapted to the materials available sprout on the sides. Other malformed house aggregations bud by the road margins, earth ground, electricity, a few old cars, indigence pulses in the hot night air. Outworn and dirty iron structures pass above the driveway, footbridges, junk lorries share the pavement with the bus, factories rise on the sides, a pipeline runs by a high hill, a chimney spits fire. At the sea level, the road passes through the mangrove, poor houses are interspersed with factories on the margins, I arrived in Santos: big lightened seaport frameworks show up well behind local commerce outdoors.
Friday night, I go down the ridge by the dark and narrow road to Santos, surrounded by tropical forest on both sides, through turns and tunnels. At a certain point mid-way, I look down the window and see a marginal community with the size of a few blocks installed in the middle of woods, copper lights and ascending steam; in the background and much lower the city is seen. The forest covers the view again, but soon rustic houses in the European-style adapted to the materials available sprout on the sides. Other malformed house aggregations bud by the road margins, earth ground, electricity, a few old cars, indigence pulses in the hot night air. Outworn and dirty iron structures pass above the driveway, footbridges, junk lorries share the pavement with the bus, factories rise on the sides, a pipeline runs by a high hill, a chimney spits fire. At the sea level, the road passes through the mangrove, poor houses are interspersed with factories on the margins, I arrived in Santos: big lightened seaport frameworks show up well behind local commerce outdoors.
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